Eurythmy tutors
Pacifica College offers access to some of the world’s most innovative and experienced eurythmists working today.
Jan Baker-Finch
Tutors: tone and speech eurythmy
After completing a Master’s degree in French and German, New Zealand born Jan Baker-Finch studied Eurythmy in Stuttgart and performed with the Eurythmeum Ensemble for four years. Moving to Brisbane in 1991, Jan taught eurythmy at the Samford Valley Steiner School, and performed locally and internationally. For twelve years she taught movement at the Queensland Conservatorium of Music, where she began to collaborate with many artists. Jan has performed with Flow eurythmy ensemble, appears regularly at the Piano Mill, and was a guest with the Bloom Collective at the Sokolowsko Ephemeral Art Festival in Poland. In 2019 she collaborated with voice-poet Ryoichi Wago on a series of performances in the post-disaster landscape of Fukushima.
Josefin Porteous
Tutors: tone and speech eurythmy
Josefin dreamed of becoming a eurythmist from an early age. She trained under Else Klink and performed with the Stuttgart Eurythmeum ensemble in Europe, Russia, the USA, Australia, and New Zealand before emigrating to Australia in 1993, where she later worked with Flow Eurythmy Ensemble and the Sydney Eurythmy Company. Josefin taught eurythmy at the Steiner Schools Lorien Novalis and Glenaeon in Sydney for 25 years, while also working as a eurythmy therapist. Josefin was the curriculum coordinator at the Eurythmy College Beijing/Guangzhou for 5 years, returning to Australia in 2020.
Patries Orange
Tutors: speech eurythmy and foundations of therapy
Having completed a Camphill curative education seminar, Patries began her eurythmy training in Den Haag, Holland. She taught in a Waldorf school for fifteen years then went on to complete her therapeutic eurythmy training. Patries has worked as a therapeutic eurythmy trainer and leader of teacher development courses in the UK, India, the US, China and Australia. Further training in psychosophy and counselling expanded her skills. Resident in Australia since 2007 she is sought-after as a freelance workshop and course holder and is currently involved in the new eurythmy therapy training in South Africa.
Sue Simpson
Tutors: speech eurythmy and eurythmy in education
Australian-born Sue Simpson trained in Nurnberg with Margareta Proskauer and moved to New Zealand in 1982, after a brief stint of teaching in Australia. Her educational eurythmy work experience extends across all age groups from early childhood to adult education. Sue was a co-creator of Persephone eurythmy ensemble, touring and performing throughout New Zealand. At an international level, she tutored at the Moscow Eurythmy Academy specializing in pedagogical and English eurythmy and performing in the stage ensemble. Sue has run courses for teachers in India, Nepal, and Thailand, as well as tutoring at the Asian Steiner Teachers’ Conferences.
Elien Hoffmans
Tutors: speech eurythmy
After training in speech and drama in London, then in eurythmy at the Eurythmeum Stuttgart, Netherlands-born ElienHoffmans performed for 18 years first with the Eurythmeum ensemble in Germany, then touring extensively through Europe with Ashdown Eurythmy and further engagements with other ensembles in the UK. Since moving to NZ in 2002 she has taught school children, worked as eurythmy therapist (including with young disabled adults) and tutored in the Eurythmy training in Guangzhou and in Beijing. She appears with various ensembles in performances throughout New Zealand.
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